-Have Your Eyes Opened to See Beyond the Natural Realm and into the Realm of Heaven.
-Learn How to Engage with the Heavenly Realms- to See on Earth as it is in Heaven.
There are pioneers of seer prophets ready to release the manifest presence of God with healing, signs, wonders and the power of God into the earth. This book encourages you to push deeper into the prophetic seer and to look into heaven and the angelic realms, to speak forth what you see and interact with in the unseen in order to see a tangible shift and breakthrough on the earth.
This book is for those who want to move deeper into the prophetic realm of the seer and thus better reveal the person of Jesus Christ and the environment of heaven to those around you.
This book is a call to be pioneers and break ground in the seer prophetic anointing and look, interact and release the unseen realm into the seen, for your church, your city and those around you and release the supernatural power of the prophetic.

A call to experence & enter into intimacy with Jesus.
£12/ $14
£6/ $8
£6/ $7
Online Self-Study Programme
£35/ $43
Do you want to encounter the manifest presence of God?
£11/ $12
£6/ $8
An exploration of every healing in scripture.
£13/ $16
£6/ $8
An in-depth study on all the dreams in the Bible.
£12/ $14
£6/ $7
Online- Courses
Understanding Dreams & Visions
Understanding Spiritual Warfare & Demons
Seeing into the Unsen
9 Part Course.
Over 3 hours of in-depth examination of the nature of dreams & visions. A practical working of biblical prophetic dream interpretation.
10 Part Course.
Over 4 hours of examining aspects of spiritual warfare including warfare in the Bible, the church, society & the Christian. Additionally exploring the role and nature of demons.
7 Part Course.
Over 3 hours of Biblical & practical exploration of understanding the nature and characteristics of seeing into the unseen realms. Understand about angels and learn how to flow with the seer aspect of the prophetic.
£35/ $47
£35/ $47
£40/ $50