Engaging the Glory

Manifest Presence of God

We aim to stir up a hunger in the wider body of Christ for more of the manifest presence of God, building the church up in encountering His presence. We are about seeing the presence of God come and visit churches and for those churches and the people within them to have an encounter with the very presence of God, accompanied with a release of healing, the supernatural and the prophetic. Invite us to speak.


As a healing ministry we want to see a release of the healing anointing in churches and Christians in the UK and internationally. We seek to see the healing ministry released into cities and regions through nightly healing meetings and our international healing crusades. You can view our healing ministry testimony page here.


As a prophetic ministry we want to see a release and stirring up of the prophetic anointing in churches and Christians in the UK and internationally. We seek to see the prophetic released into churches, cities and regions. We seek to see people's lives impacted in the UK and further afield by the prophetic ministry. Check out our blog for the latest prophetic words.